“学思讲坛”预告 | 通过田野调查理解中国

发布者:王靖雯 发布时间:2021-06-19 浏览次数:10



Understanding China through Fieldwork


曹诗弟 教 授 (奥胡斯大学)

Prof. Stig Thøgersen, 

Aarhus University


丁笑炯 教 授 (上海师范大学)

Prof. Xiaojiong Ding, 

Shanghai Normal University


董轩 副教授(华东师范大学)

Assoc. Prof. Xuan Dong, 

East China Normal University


2021年6月25日(周五) 下午3:30-4:50 

June 25, 2021 (Friday)  3:30-4:50 p.m.



Room 201, Building No. 54, East Xuhui Campus, Shanghai Normal University

主讲人简介/About the lecturer:


Stig Thøgersen is professor emeritus of China Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark. He is the author of several books and articles on social and political change in China, often with a focus on education. Two of his books have been translated into Chinese as A County of Culture and Doing Fieldwork in China (ed. with Maria Heimer).

与谈人简介/About the discussant:


Xuan Dong, Associate Professor in Faculty of Education, East China Normal University. He was awarded the title of “Shanghai Pujiang Talent”. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Jilin University, a Master’s degree in Education from Beijing Normal University, and a PhD in Anthropology from Australian National University. He researches in educational anthropology, with a focus on school life, teacher-student relationship and organizational culture. 

讲座摘要/About the lecture:


Fieldwork is an essential part of the way the social sciences and humanities explore the world. If we want to comprehend how other people understand and make sense of their lives,it is essential to meet them face to face. This is true not only when we explore distant cultures or social strata far from our own but also when we seek a deeper understanding of individuals and groups quite similar to ourselves. In this presentation I will share some experiences from doing fieldwork as a foreigner in China from the 1980s to the 2010s in the fields of education, local history, and rural political reforms. I will emphasize how fieldwork changed my perceptions of China and challenged standard interpretations and concepts found in written sources.

主办方简介/About the organizer:


The Research Institute for International and Comparative Education (RIICE) of Shanghai Normal University has its vision to become a globally influential center of comparative education research, a powerful think tank for educational policy decision-making and consultation, an important base for advanced talents cultivation and major achievements incubator. The institute has established an internationalized research team with high quality, strong collaborative spirits and sufficient problem-solving abilities. The research team here focuses on the international comparison of education policies, Chinese education to the world, large-scale international education assessments, international organizations and global education governance, international comparison of teacher education, and metropolitan education development. The institute has introduced and organized several international assessment programs such as Shanghai PISA, TALIS, SABER, implemented England-Shanghai Mathematics Teachers Exchange Program ,the Advanced Training Program for Education Administration Officials from countries along the Belt and Road and participated in the formulation of several national and Shanghai municipal education development planning programs. Meanwhile, it hosts an academic journal called The Journal of Comparative Education (CSSCI extended edition) and was approved as a cultivation base for international education research by the Ministry of Education and a think tank of Shanghai universities. The Teacher Education Centre, under the auspices of UNESCO is also affiliated with RIICE, providing a platform for telling the story of Chinese education and promoting national participation in global governance.

电子邮箱:riice@email.shnu.edu.cn 电话:021-64321029
版权所有:上海师范大学国际与比较教育研究院 地址:上海市桂林路81号教苑楼A座11楼