Teaching and Teacher Education October(郭珺,孔令帅)The Characteristics and Causes of China’s Mathematics Teaching Paradigm. Teaching and Teacher Education

发布者:王浩 发布时间:2024-02-01 浏览次数:14

The Characteristics and Causes of China’s Mathematics Teaching Paradigm. Teaching and Teacher Education


Teaching and Teacher Education October 2023





The question of whether China's constructivist education reforms are working has sparked global debate. This study attempts to explain China's educational paradigm and its causes through observation and interviews with 16 primary school mathematics teachers across 16 districts of Shanghai. The results show that the mathematics teaching paradigm in Shanghai does not constitute constructivism based on ‘minimum guidance’ but discovery learning based on teacher guidance. According to the degree of teacher participation, the paradigm can be divided into inspired-discovery learning and hinted-discovery learning. The causes behind this paradigm are also discussed, with recommendations also provided for policymakers over three areas.

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版权所有:上海师范大学国际与比较教育研究院 地址:上海市桂林路81号教苑楼A座11楼