
发布者:王浩 发布时间:2020-05-11 浏览次数:2567







  1. 丁笑炯.高校学生学习结果测试的国际经验.高校教育管理, 2019 (6): 45-54.

  2. Xiaojiong Ding. Marginal Revolution: The Impact of Transnational Education on Higher Education in Host Countries: A Case Study of China. Higher Education Policy,2019, 32(3): 419-440.

  3. 丁笑炯.欧洲中小学创业教育的政策与实践. 比较教育研究, 2018, (10): 27-35.

  4. 丁笑炯.高校来华留学生支持服务满意度调查与思考——基于上海高校的数据. 高校教育管理, 2018, 12(1): 115-123.

  5. Xiaojiong Ding. Capacity Building or Market Demand? Transnational Teaching in China. Higher Education Policy, 2018, 31 (2): 267-287.

  6. 丁笑炯. 从课堂生存到专业发展:国外中小学新教师入职教育发展趋势. 教育科学, 2017, 33(3): 91-96.

  7. 丁笑炯. 从宏观政策到微观教学:国外跨境教育研究转向述评. 外国教育研究, 2017, 44(1): 89-101.

  8. Xiaojiong Ding. Exploring the Experiences of International Students in China. Journal of Studies in International Education, 2016, 20 (4): 319-338.

  9. 丁笑炯. 欧洲联合培养项目的发展与挑战. 教育研究, 2015, 36 (5): 152-159.

  10. 丁笑炯. 全球视野中的学位互授与联合培养. 学位与研究生教育, 2014, (11): 72-77.

  11. 丁笑炯. 香港高等教育的公共财政分配. 中国高教研究, 2014, (8): 39-44.



  1. 丁笑炯. 边缘革命:中外合作办学对高等教育的影响. 上海: 上海教育出版社, 2019.

  2. 丁笑炯. 基于市场营销理论的留学生教育服务——来自上海高校的实证调查. 北京大学出版社, 2012.

  3. Xiaojiong Ding. Policy Metamorphosis in China: A Case Study of Minban Education in Shanghai. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012.


Xiaojiong DING is Professor at the Institute for International and Comparative Education, Shanghai Normal University. She holds a PhD from the University of Hong Kong. Her work mainly focuses on internationalization of education in China. She is particularly interested in understanding the experiences and perspectives of the grass roots, such as international students in China, and teachers and students of transnational programmes and international schools. Recently, she has also paid attention to professional development of primary and secondary school teachers. She has published widely in SSCI and CSSCI journals, and has chaired a number of education research projects sponsored by Chinese Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission on China’s opening-up policies in education. She has also chaired or participated in joint studies sponsored by UNESCO, OECD and other key international organizations.




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