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北京时间10月17日上午,亚洲协会(Asia Society)在纽约联合国总部揭晓了首届“创变者(Game Changer)”获奖名单并举办颁奖典礼。13名为促进亚洲地区发展做出杰出创新和贡献的个人或团队获得此殊荣。联合国秘书长潘基文出席典礼并致辞。原上海师范大学校长张民选教授作为唯一的中国教育界代表荣获该奖,大会给张教授的颁奖词是“通过提高教育质量为中国百万儿童创造公平竞争基础”。另一位中国获奖者是企业家代表阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云,其他获奖者有刚获得诺贝尔和平奖的巴基斯坦女孩Malala Yousafzai,日本坂茂建筑设计事务所创始人Shigeru Ban,印度布拉罕慈善基金联合创始人及首席执行官Madhav Chavan,美国麻省理工大学脑与认知科学系教授Pawan Sinha等。
“创变者”是创新变革者的简称,亚洲协会会长施静书(Josette Sheeran)表示,“亚洲协会设立首个也是唯一用以表彰当今亚洲地区真正创变者的奖项,获奖者来自广泛的领域及地区,但他们共同具有的是以非凡的远见、持续的热情及切实的影响力,在各自领域、通过各种方式改变着这个世界”。 张民选教授获奖后表示,他是代表上海教育界来联合国领这个奖项的,荣誉也属于为上海教育作出贡献的所有教育工作者。获得Game Changer这个奖项对他来说也意味着是Game Challenger,促使他思考如何为推进上海及中国教育改革发展,加强与亚洲乃至世界的交流合作贡献更多力量。此次获奖恰逢上海师范大学60周年校庆,张民选教授说这也是对上师大60周年校庆的献礼! 典礼当天,中国日报(China Daily)记者采访了张民选教授,并在10月17日中国日报网进行了报道。 Zhang, with Shanghai Normal University, said: "Although the Asia Society invited me, I am here because of all the hard work of the Chinese people. I can only be a representative here because of them." Zhang has worked for the past three decades to bring high-quality education to Shanghai and more than 20 million Chinese children of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. He also has worked with the Asia Society to encourage Shanghai's participation in the organization's Global Cities Education Network. He also said he hoped the first edition of the Asia Society's Game Changer awards would encourage people to extend the work they are doing throughout the Asian region. "Of course it's an honor, but I never considered being invited by a foreign organization to see and showcase our work in China," Zhang said in an interview Thursday with China Daily. "Shanghai is only a part of what we're doing, so we have a long way to go, and we should work hard for all the kids. In the future, maybe I won't just do work for China but also maybe for many other countries in Asia."
亚洲协会简介: 亚洲协会(Asia Society)是1956年由约翰·D·洛克菲勒创办的非营利民间组织,总部位于纽约,是美国和亚太地区最具影响力的亚洲政策研究及教育文化机构,其宗旨在于促进美国与亚洲之间的民间交流,增进美国及亚太地区民众、领袖和机构之间的相互了解。亚洲协会致力于在政策、商业、教育、文化和艺术等诸多领域加强对话、鼓励创新、促进合作,以共同应对挑战,共享繁荣未来。
上海师范大学国际与比较教育研究院 陈慧 供稿 |